
I stand corrected...  

The unmentionable website helped me get a job!  I look forward to the change with great happiness.  The new job will be quite a change, all good, but change, no less...

My new schedule will allow a run with God in the morning.  Enjoy breakfast with Hubbie and Jay.  Work 8-5 M-F.  Get Jay on the way home from work.  Cook dinner in time for Hubbie to come home.  Enjoy the evening with the family.  Sleep and wake to do it all over again.  SO EXCITED!

I know it won't be as easy as it sounds.  I know it will have it's ups and downs.  And even, I know that there will be someone there who just makes my life hell.  But, knowing that this job is God given provides a peace that passes understanding, unfathomable joy, and a desire to persevere.

Again and again I can't say it enough, God is good!